trying out typst

Sharing some of my thoughts on this new-school typsetting system as I begin to use it
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simple remote system notifications

How I configured a server to notify my personal computer and smart-phone when I have new mail.
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i added a favicon

I didn't have a favicon before. Now I do! I want to share my thoughts behind its design, and how I have begun to find an identity with this domain name that started as a bit of a shit-post.
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rc w1'23 | wk 5/6

Reflecting on the fifth week of my second batch at RC.
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rc w1'23 | wk 4/14

A summary of my fourth week in Winter 1 '23, a shorter one due to Thanksgiving.
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rc w1'23 | wk 3/14

Reflecting on the third week of my second batch at RC. This one was a bit of a doozy.
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rc w1'23 | wk 2/14

Reflecting on week two of my second batch at RC.
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rc w1'23 | wk 1/14

Reflecting on the first week of my second batch at RC.
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rc | batch #2

I'm attending my second batch at The Recurse Center from Oct 30th to Feb 9th (14w 4d). Here's a quick reflection on my last batch, and what I plan to accomplish during the next one.
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how i track my time

Without leaving the command-line, recorded in plain-text. I share some features from some tools I've discovered in my time-tracking journey.
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why is no blog

A post in my blog reflecting on why it is so hard for me to write in my blog.
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